By perky I mean happy. Not fripples. Or MDMA.
Anyway back to ME as that's what blogs usually seem to be about, that is self centred people and their opinions - yesterday... no wait the day before that... or maybe before that? Shit I dunno sometime this week some cute stuff happened to me and I thought *Damnit everyone needs to know about this because it's AMAZING!!* and it didn't seem any more or less interesting than the other stuff I read about in other peoples blogs so yeah... here's my egotistical internet spew of good stuff, that is mostly happening to me!
And let's be fair probs will be some bad stuff to because I love a whinge.
1st call to attention of thine eyes:
I actually think these were some kind of Karmic reward for enduring a cockhead for just over a year now.
Hey y'know if you scroll down to the bottom right corner of that pic you can see a ciggie burn hole in our linoleum. Classy. See peeps I'm still Jenny from the block!
And what is Jenny's style lesson from this? Never underestimate Target! I still have so many great bits and pieces from them, purchased many a year ago, that I still wear now. Also, don't smoke.
2nd call to attention:
Dan's beautiful new Bulgari ring that the family bought him for his 21st...
We wants the precious... wwwwantssssssitttttttpressshhhioussssssssssssssssssssssssssss.... *drool*
Well he is our lil' golden boy, so what better way to reward him for surviving 21 years than presenting him with a gorgeous (white) gold ring?
Haha, I just realised I really should have put 'white' in parenthesis in front of 'golden boy' too. Bahahaha.
And now unfortunately, although I did warn you, for some sadness...
Why in God's/The Universe's/Nicholas Ghesquiere's name did Australian Harper's Bazaar put Jennifer Aniston on the front cover and WHYYYYYYY did they change their cover type face to Dolly's??
Now, now, I'm a big fan of Dolly too, 'Dolly Doctor' is my real mother, but that swirly bubble writing has no place on a tome such as Harper's and it's very distressing and distracting to see it there!
I kept forgetting what I was looking at whilst reading this month's issue and thinking to myself "what is this magazine?, it's rather alright, oh fuck that's right it's Harper's!" and really, one ought never forget that one is reading the Bazaar!
I'm pretty sure the Queen said that.
And as for Aniston, listen, I too am very sorry she had a divorce. Full stop. Those things suck.
I'm already stockpiling chocolate for my future divorce, from my future husband (and yes I'm aware that would first involve a boyfriend and a ring you don't have to rub it in thanks very much!!). The fact that her husband was Brad Pitt means that she should have the respect from all women all over the world until the end of time, but that doesn't mean we ought to incessantly put her on the cover of our mags! She's SO boring!!
Not that Angelina Jolie is much better, but damn is she hotter, and wears something that says 'I am a sexy woman' every once in a while, not 'I am a woman who has a utilitarian approach to fashion and thus everything in my wardrobe matches and would not look out of place on my yacht'. You know that's what she's thinking, sitting there all smarmy in her fedora.
Actually she looks like she's thinking 'my bum hurts'.
And so does mine, so on that note I bid thee adieu! Mwa!
Well, Ms Bad Hair Day, you are feeling pretty pleased with the world and your greige pleather - I'm sure Jennifer Aniston is eating out her fancy hat just greenish gray with envy. Of course some do consider bad hair days an excuse to stay home and hide our hideousness in a magazine and look at the beautiful people, but if we all did that, then who would there be to wear the pleather??! x