It wasn't until I went to see Felinedown ( and Moon Jog ( - actually I lie, I only discovered Moon Jog that night but man they're fab! - at Top Floor Sat night and ran into half a dozen of my friends who said "nice shoes" *wink wink* (I was wearing my awesome Target sale doozies) that I remembered. That was of course AFTER I replied to each and every one of them with "oh yeah thanks! I got them on sale at Target for a tenner!" to which they all said "um... yuh... cool...." *averting eyes... making weird lips folded over teeth smiles*
P.s. Don't worry Andrew MANY people said that to me - not just you. Lmao.
Mokay well yes, back to the blogging. And the retardedness.
They go hand in hand really don't they? - Or rather hand in foot... tripping down the stairs... dropping the 5 boxes of shoes you were getting for a customer only to forget to bring them the ones they ACTUALLY wanted not just the ones you're trying to add on to the much hoped -for sale of the original pair of shoes they picked.
Yes that's right retardedness = my first week at my new job! Yaaaay!
I'm back in shoes people! Don't really feel at liberty to announce which company I now work for but it's one I do respect and love and had a great first week at. And yes all of those above mentioned incidents happened. And yes I still work there!
And what else have I been up to? WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL...
1. Dave came back from Mongolia all pirate beardy and windswept! He's been regaling me with stories of stumbling across hundreds of open graves on the outskirts of a small town, the one - previously government owned - department store in Ulaan Bataar (capital of Mongolia), singing Beatles songs with old ladies on the trains, which as it happens is the only English said ladies know, and how all the paper money... which I think is THE currency medium, smells like mutton fat. Mmmm mmm Mongolia here I come!
Actually it sounds amazing and I'm tres jealous of his Central Asian adventure, and to be fair to Dave he has been incredibly nice in putting up with my constant quoting/asking of "excuse me, when did the Mongols rule China?" Ala Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure.
I also have not yet seen pictures of Dave's excellent adventure but apparently there's a slide show party extravaganza on the wind! Strap yourselves in and start making your cocktail toothpicks of cheese, cabana and olives now peeps!
2. I've made some lovely new purchases for work...
Cute purple shoes for day to day wear at work and cute purple lipstick to have something to match shoes no matter what I'm wearing!
The only problem is the lipstick is from MAC so smells like chocolate... and having that right under my nose all day is a little distracting, when you're trying to avoid 'the diabetes'.
3. I've been tricking the staff at David Jones into thinking I have real Marc Jacobs and Salvatore Ferragamo shoes, which if you're a fashion dork and you have fakes is HI-larious!
I didn't really trick them on purpose, I just happened to be wearing the shoes while I walked through the DJ's shoe section and had assistants try to talk me into buying a matching purse for the Ferragamos and the summer version of the Marc Jacobs. Yeah right lady, I'ma pay $600 for a 'summer' pair of the same shoes (i.e. the exact same shoe but with the girl on the toe of the shoe wearing sunglasses *is actually vrry vrry cuuute and I do wants!*) when I bought them for $50 in Honkers! But of course the shop assistants can't read my mind and thank God for that!
Otherwise they would think I was a complete *swear word* for talking to them/wasting their time with conversation without the slightest inclination to buy. Actually that's only true of David Jones staff. I'm allowed to say that because I used to be one. It's like black people and the 'N' word right?

The shoe on the left is my shoe - my fake Marcy marc, and the ones below are the ones that I was being persuaded to buy...
The differences between them are enough to make me want to buy the summer version, but not at 10 times the price!
And to that end I say to all of you - get thee to sweat shoppy Asia!
I'm also allowed to say that after studying Human Rights and Ethics because I work in retail and thus am going to Hell anyway.
Mokay so I have tons more to write about but I'll stop boring you now and let you get back to your precious True Blood - if you don't know what I'm talking about, Google and be damned!
Jason Stackhouse!
Goodnight xx
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